Hey warrior! You know someone who is looking for a new job. The conditions to receive the bonus are as follows:

Is your MAATT going to work fo us and has he/she signed the contract? Then the cash register will ring! You can earn €500,- net. This is how you can earn it:

  • Your MAATT has started! You receive €100,-
  • Your MAATT has worked for 250 hours. You receive €200,-
  • Your MAATT has worked 1000 hours. You receive €200,-

What should you do?

to get the bonus
  1. Check our vacancies! 
  2. Do you know a warrior who fits with one of our vacancies? Introduce him/her to your contactperson from MAATT and fill in the form below.
  3. Is there no work at the moment? No problem! Than you can suggest your candidate by sending an e-mail to with your cv (included name, phone number and e-mailadress) from the candidate. We will contact the person when their is new work. 
  4. Don’t forget to ask for permission to share this persons data.

Watch our brandmovie

Warriors in the installation technology
MAATT zoekt MAATT EN - Check out more
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Fill in this form to join the MAATT zoekt MAATT action. We will contact your a.s.a.p.

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